We are a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America inviting all students from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Western Technical College, Viterbo University on a journey of faith together! We are supported by the congregations of the La Crosse Area Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as well as gifts from individuals who have a heart for ministry with college students. Minster Kathryn Thompson would love to come to your congregation and share the story of what God is doing in La Crosse and beyond through campus ministry.
Contact Lutheran Campus Ministries
Email: Pastor Kathryn Thompson
Phone: (608) 784-5935
LuMin Community Worship
LuMin would like to invite you to an exciting new 4-part worship series this spring, "LuMin Community Worship: The Becoming." LuMin's mission is to bring together strangers to become friends, calling for opportunities for worship in which ALL belong and ALL are welcome. We are excited to offer an opportunity for intergenerational worship, where we bring together parts of the community as a whole. University students and staff together with congregation members, community leaders and most importantly YOU, is where we, together, make a WHOLE community.
Each Sunday will include a time for worship together and the sharing of a meal. In order to prepare for each Sunday, please visit the LuMin Community Worship Sign Up and sign up for as many Sundays as your schedule allows. No two Sundays will look the same.
Dates for your Calendar: 5pm on 2/23, 3/30, 4/13 and 5/4.
Please reach out to with any dietary restrictions or questions. And please feel free to forward this invite on to anyone you think may want to join us. We look forward to worshipping with you!
Pastor Kathryn