
Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Prayers for the Week

Let us join together as a community in prayer for ministry sites, emerging leaders, pastors, partners in ministry and special requests.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

When Worship Is Disrupted: How Congregations Can Respond and Prepare

Houses of worship, while sacred spaces, are not immune to disruption, emergencies, or violence. The top recommendation from ELCA’s crisis communication experts is simple but crucial: assemble a crisis team before you need one. A well-prepared congregation can respond swiftly, communicate effectively, and ensure safety for all.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

A Familiar Name, New Resources: Augsburg Fortress Publishers is Back

The Publishing House of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)—the official name of our parent organization—is reverting to our previous "doing business as" name of Augsburg Fortress Publishers. What isn't changing is our commitment as your denominational publisher: to create substantive and innovative materials to support you and your congregation in communicating the good news of God's liberating grace.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Civic Engagement

Civic engagement, including voting and public service, is a meaningful way we live out our faith in the public sphere. The ELCA encourages everyone to engage in the political process with integrity, advocating for justice, peace, and the common good.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Ash Wednesday

Bishop Malpica shares an Ash Wednesday message for the start of Lent.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Courageous Leadership

If people of faith do not step up and try to make a difference in how divided we are, who will?

Wednesday, January 17th @ 1pm via ZOOM

Join in learning from Rev. Brenda Smith and Deacon Tammy Devine.

There is a lack of civility in our country that is painful to see and even more painful to experience. What is the solution? This week's presentation will challenge us to think about how we, as people of faith, can be leaders in our homes and communities to address this.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Our Care for Creation…In Steps

As we enter this new season, we have many opportunities for sharpening our skills, and abundant support for our care for God's amazing creation. From pollinator gardens, to waste management, heat pumps to solar, insulation to impermeable surfaces, we can see creation and its climate with eyes wide open. The goal is to provide information, education, and opportunity with activities and studies to pursue during Lent and bring to organizational practices.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

A Story of Faith in Action

Like all ELCA LuMin campus ministry sites across our synods, this ministry happens because congregations share food — yes, cookies — and also through Mission Support that is shared with our synods and churchwide organization to support these vital, transformative, grace-filled ministries with students.

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Brianna Iverson Brianna Iverson

Presiding Bishop Eaton Statement upon death of Pope Benedict XVI

On Dec. 31, 2022, the world learned of the death of Pope Benedict XVI. In a statement, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton wrote, “We extend our condolences and unceasing accompaniment to all our Catholic neighbors, including the bishops, priests, deacons, scholars and laypeople with whom we are in dialogue and partnership.”

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