Synod Assembly 2025: Climate Edition
June 6-8, 2025
What is Synod Assembly?
Synod Assembly is an annual gathering of elected congregation voting members, leaders, pastors/staff, and volunteers from all 73 of our ministry sites in the La Crosse Area. It is a time where we intentionally walk together, to cultivate life-giving relationships rooted in God's love through times of worship, prayer, learning, conversation, offering, meals, service and highlighting our interdependent ministry relationship as we support mission partners, carry out synodical and churchwide initiatives, work to end hunger, respond to disaster and emergency needs, and heed the call to be a church engaged in all the world.
“For the Beauty of the Earth”
June 6-8, 2025
We look forward to hosting you at the 2025 Synod Assembly: Climate Edition
Registration Cost Breakdown:
Congregation Voting Member/Rostered Leader $225
Youth Congregation Voting Member FREE (for first Youth)
Retired Rostered Leader (not serving in a congregation) $150
Rostered Leader On Leave from Call - $150
Non-voting participant at Synod Assembly Friday/Saturday $35
Display Table Set Up Costs $150
Our registration link has temporarily been taken down to fix a glitch. It will be back up as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Registration Deadline May 8, 2025
Friday, June 6, 2025
Business & Worship
Details to Come
Saturday, June 7, 2025
Business & Learning
Details to Come
Sunday, June 8, 2024
9:00 am Choir Practice
10:00 am Synod-wide Worship
11:15 am Picnic
Voting Members
Voting members are usually elected at a congregation’s annual meeting and gather at Synod Assembly to make decisions about the synod’s governance, mission and finances. They may elect members of Synod Council or other committees, as well as voting members for Churchwide Assembly. Voting members have voice and vote, which means they are able to vote as well as address the assembly during proceedings. Voting members can either be a rostered minister or a lay voter.
Rostered ministers are pastors (also known as Ministers of Word & Sacrament) and deacons (also known as Ministers of Word & Service) who are currently called to/within the La Crosse Area Synod. This includes both ministers who serve a congregation, are retired and those who work in specialized ministry. It does not include interns or seminary students).
Lay Voters are voters who are not pastors or deacons. This number is based on the congregation’s baptized membership. The voter allocation chart tells you how many voting members your congregation can send to Synod Assembly. Click here for the 2025 Voter Allocation Chart. Lay voting members must be members of the church, not simply attendees or employees. Persons who have been ordained may not be counted as Lay Voters. This includes retired pastors who are members of a congregation.
Advisors have voice but not vote. They are allowed to address the assembly during proceedings, but may not cast a vote. These include: lay synod staff, lay members of synod assembly committees, representatives of synod partners in ministry, representatives from ELCA synodical and churchwide offices.
Guests are not voting members. They do not have vote or voice.
Mark Your Calendar
February 2025: Registration opens
Monday, March 31, 2025: Deadline to Memorials & Resolutions to be shared at the Pre-Assembly Caucus Meetings
Sunday, April 6, 2025: Pre-Assembly Caucus Meetings
Tuesday, May 6, 2025: Deadline for submission of ALL Memorials & Resolutions & Last day to Book Hotel Room with Synod discount
Thursday, May 8, 2025: Final day of Registration & Childcare Sign-Up
June 6-7, 2025: Synod Assembly at Westby Coon Prairie Lutheran Church. Details listed below.
Sunday, June 8, 2025: All-Synod Worship & Picnic at Riverside Park @ 10 AM
Hotel Suggestion: AmericInn
Address: 1325 N Main St. Viroqua, WI 54665
Phone: 608-637-3100
Let the hotel know that you will be registering with the “ELCA Synod” Block.
Rooms reserved through the block will be $150/night. Block is held until May 6, 2025
Available for Children Age 3 - 5th Grade
Must Register by May 8, 2025
Details and Registration Coming Soon
Assembly Documents
In an effort to save paper, all materials will be provided for digital download. You may print all the documents or choose to view them on a phone or other digital device during the Assembly.
Downloadable will be uploaded as they become available. If you are planning to print out the documents, please wait until the file is listed as “final” and is no longer listed as a “draft.”
Documents to Come in the Spring of 2025
Ministry Milestones to be Recognized at Assembly
New Rostered Leaders to the synod since the last synod assembly include:
Deacon Jennie Norberg, Emplify Health
The Rev. Kathryn Thompson, LuMin Campus Pastor
75 Years
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church- La Crosse, WI
150 Years
North Coon Prairie Lutheran Church- Cashton, WI
Trinity Lutheran Church- La Crosse, WI
Zion Lutheran Church- Big Flats, WI
10 Years
Rev. Josh Buzbee
Rev. Phil Waselik
Rev. Rufus Kudee
15 Years
Rev. Ben Morris
Rev. Gloria Stubitsch
20 Years
Rev. Brad Lindberg
Rev. Joan Wittrock
Rev. Lori Kleppe
Rev. Mark Kvale
25 Years
Rev. Julie Wollman
30 Years
Rev. John Stennes-Spidahl
35 Years
Rev. John Ashland
Rev. Kevin Jacobson
Rev. Mark Bartusch
40 Years
Rev. John Dumke
Rev. John Carrier
Rev. Kathy Ingbritsen
45 Years
Rev. David Shelstad
Rev. Joel Oines
Rev. Joe Irvin
60 Years
Rev. Fred Ohlrogge
Rev. Roger Grow
65 Years
Harris Hostager
The Rev. Steve Fossum
The Rev. Kenneth Melby
At the opening of Synod Assembly on Friday evening June 6th at Westby Coon Prairie Lutheran Church we will recognize and celebrate milestones in the ministry lives of Rostered Leaders and Congregations. On Sunday, June 8th during worship at Riverside Park we will commission, bless and send out the Sugar Creek Summer Staff for their 2025 summer ministry.
Prayer in Preparation for Assembly Prayer
For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies. Christ, our Lord, to you we raise this our sacrifice of praise.
(ELW 879, vs. 1, the theme hymn for Synod Assembly 2025)
Gracious Creator, as we journey toward gathering in our assembly in a few months, our hymn of thanks begins with praise of your majestic creating work in the world around us. We are part of your creation, and celebrate the sturdy yet fragile beauty of our earth and of the wonders beyond. Help and guide us to learn and live out ways to honor and sustain all of your creation as we seek life-giving relationships rooted in your creating love. Amen.