Game Starts at 5:05 pm
Details for Event:
Address of Ballpark: 800 Copeland Ave, La Crosse, WI 54603
Parking: We recommend that you do not park close to the ballpark due to fly balls that could land on your car.
Gates Open: 4:00 pm
How to get my tickets? Contact the synod office to schedule a pick up time. You can pick up your tickets at the synod office through Wednesday, June 11th at 4pm or at the ballpark on Sunday, June 15 at the ballpark at the Synod Table (until 5pm) or Will Call window.
How do I pay for my tickets? Pay at the time of registration with a card or electronic check. Please do not bring money to the Loggers game as we will not be able to accept it at that time.
Where are we sitting? On the Topper Terrace party deck where there will be food, drinks and some shade.
What happens if there is inclement weather? Click here for the Loggers Rain Day policy.
What to wear? Layers, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses are important. We invite you to wear your synod, congregation or Gods Work Our Hands shirt. Click here to check out our new synod merch shop.
Ticket Prices:
Children Ages 0-3: FREE
Children Ages 4-12: $15
Age 13-Adult: $27
Tickets include seating as a group on the Topper Terrace which provides some shade, all you can drink pop/water , the ballpark classic dinner at the concession stand and 3 beers for adults 21+.