Candidacy Spotlight
What to Do If You Feel Led to Be a Leader in Ministry?
Connecting with the La Crosse Area Synod Candidacy Committee is a great next step. This is a team of appointed people throughout the synod to accompany people exploring their calling to further education and leaders in the church.
What is Candidacy?
The Candidacy Committee in the La Crosse Area Synod includes the Bishop, an ELCA seminary representative, an ELCA Candidacy and Leadership Manager, and clergy and lay members. We need one more lay member. If you're interested in joining, please contact Bishop Felix.
The Candidacy Committee journeys with those interested in becoming Deacons, Pastors, and Synod Authorized Ministers (SAMs). We meet with them as they discern where and how God is calling them to ministry.
Deacon and Pastor Candidates attend seminary and work toward ordination. SAMs are lay people serving in a specific place for a specific time, authorized by the synod to serve as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
In their candidacy journeys Deacon, Pastor, and SAM candidates first go through an interview with the Candidacy Committee. Prior to the interview they go through a psychological evaluation, they have a background check, they do financial and health assessments, and they write an essay reflecting on their faith and call to ministry. At the interview the Candidacy Committee considers the candidate’s readiness and sense of call and makes a decision on whether or not to grant the candidate entrance.
At this time a SAM candidate who receives entrance enters into discernment with the Bishop and the congregation(s) they are planning to be in ministry with, a contract is drawn up.
After entrance Deacon and Pastor candidates usually start seminary education or a seminary certificate process. The candidates go through Clinical Pastoral Education at a hospital or similar setting where they work as chaplains and do intense reflection and learning.
Then the candidates go through an Endorsement interview, they again prepare an essay and reflect on their learning so far. The Candidacy committee considers the candidate’s growth and growth opportunities.
If the candidate is granted endorsement they go on to internship and their final year of seminary, during their final year of seminary they are interviewed at their seminary as well as by the Candidacy Committee and if granted approval and then called to a congregation or ministry site, then they can be ordained.
This is the current ELCA Candidacy Process. The process is being evaluated at a churchwide level, there may be changes ahead.
Written by Pastor Emma Grinde, Co-chair of the Candidacy Committee
Journi Discernment Resource
“A platform for discovering where God may be calling you as a leader in the ELCA”
A platform for discovering where God may be calling you as a leader in the ELCA
Welcome to Journi, a free tool to help people discern their call to leadership and explore their call. No matter your stage of life, this tool will reveal more about the abundant leadership opportunities available in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We hope you will use this tool to learn more about them and will listen to God's call as you take the next step in your faith journey.
Journi offers a wide range of content to assist you as you explore different kinds of leadership in the ELCA. From podcasts and videos to quizzes and articles, you will find all kinds of ways to build your leadership toolbox. There’s even a spiritual personality quiz you can take whose answers guide us in recommending content for you. You’re welcome to retake the quiz at any time, or to skip it if you like.
As you take your first steps in Journi we encourage you to be open-minded, to explore your interests and to embrace the work of the Spirit as it reveals your path to leadership.
ELCA Seminaries
Seven Seminaries – One Church — A Commitment to Developing Leaders
The ELCA has a long history and tradition of training and preparing pastors and other rostered ministers to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to inspire and equip members to participate in God’s work in the world.
These seven ELCA Seminaries are committed to identifying, nurturing, and sustaining, wise and courageous leaders.
Take time to explore all seven seminaries of this church.