ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to Executive Orders on Immigration
ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has issued a video message in response to the executive order on immigration that rolled back guidance to immigration authorities in protected areas such as places of worship, schools and hospitals.
Candidacy Spotlight
What to Do If You Feel Led to Be a Leader in Ministry?
Connecting with the La Crosse Area Synod Candidacy Committee is a great next step. This is a team of appointed people throughout the synod to accompany people exploring their calling to further education and leaders in the church.
Courageous Leadership
If people of faith do not step up and try to make a difference in how divided we are, who will?
Wednesday, January 17th @ 1pm via ZOOM
Join in learning from Rev. Brenda Smith and Deacon Tammy Devine.
There is a lack of civility in our country that is painful to see and even more painful to experience. What is the solution? This week's presentation will challenge us to think about how we, as people of faith, can be leaders in our homes and communities to address this.